SIXEP/FHP Roof Refurbishment Project

The rft has ended, you cannot answer the invitation.

Dear Participant

TITLE: SIXEP/FHP Roof Refurbishment Project



Sellafield Limited invites you to submit a quotation for the above.


Responses, and all tender communications, must be submitted via CTM by the ETQ (End Time Quotation) date / time shown on the CTM response page.

You can submit as many times as you like until the ETQ clock counts down to zero  Sellafield Limited will only see your latest submission.

This Contract opportunity is for the full refurbishment of the SIXEP and FHP roofs through the removal of the existing degraded roofing material and installation of new pre-determined KALZIP standing seam system and Sika Decothane Ultra 25 system roofing materials as clearly set out in the accompanying CS&A Technical Specification roofing material to provide a long-term solution to the water ingress issues.

A site/tender visit is planned for week commencing 20th June 2022.

To register for the Tender visit please register your interest by ctm message by 5pm 8th June 2022. Facilitation of the Tender visit on site restricts numbers to 2 person per company.

Access to Sellafield site will require escorted passes these will be requested in accordance with SLP2.01.02 and filling out form SLF 2.01.01 

Access to radiologically designated areas on the Sellafield Site will require Temporary Dosemeters, these will be requested in accordance with SLP 2.03.01 and filling out form SLF2.03.01.01  . 

All forms must be submitted 10 days prior to the tender visit date to ensure sufficient time is allowed for processing applications.

Please note the site specific visit will take approximately 2 hours and there is not a lift to the roof areas, access is via foot. 

Confirmation of shoe size is required to ensure visitors shoes can be allocated ahead of the visit.

Should you have any queries on the commercial content please do not hesitate to contact the commercial support team via CTM messaging.

If you have any queries on the operation of CTM please contact the CSAS team via the email shown on your CTM home page or the ‘Help required’ link on the CTM logon page.

Yours faithfully


Steven Macilwaine