Date of dispatch of this notice: 14/05/2021
Expire date: 12/04/2023
External Reference: 7e31e734-519a-4c81-a223-c9b4f9732106
Date of dispatch of this notice: 14/05/2021
Expire date: 12/04/2023
External Reference: 7e31e734-519a-4c81-a223-c9b4f9732106
Official name: National Nuclear Laboratory Limited
Address line 1: Chadwick House, Birchwood Park, Warrington
Address line 2:Warrington Road
Town: Cheshire
Postal Code: WA3 6AE
Country: England
Contact person: Gill Hale
Phone: +44 1900517670
Title attributed to the contract: Category 1 - Robot (System) Simulation / Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality
1. Robot (System) Simulation / Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality – RFT 13063 2. Robot Automated and Autonomous Solutions Providers – RFT 13064 3. Robot Manipulators, robot Arms – RFT 13065 4. Sensors - Characterisation e.g. Specialist Cameras – RFT 13066 5. Robot End Effectors - 13067 6. Lasers and Optics - including Power, Chiller, and Control Systems – RFT 13068 7. Robot System Integrator – RFT 13069 8. Training Providers – RFT 13070 9. AI - Software Developers, EC&I, HMI Interfaces – RFT 13071 10. Mobile Robotics - Ground Based – RFT 13072 11. Mobile Robotics - Water - RFT 13073 12. Mobile Robotics - Air – RFT 13075 13. CE Marking Provision - RFT 13076 14. Generic Robotic In-Cell Furniture – RFT 13077 15. Robot Control – RFT 13078 Suppliers can apply for pre-qualification against one or more categories to gain access to award stage work packages. Please note that pre-qualification remains open and live for the duration of the DPS, therefore a pre-qualification response can be submitted at any time following this publication. NNL has already built a robotics infrastructure and network and has experience of providing world class research and development outputs, the impact of NNL’s research and expert consultancy activities has been recognised across the nuclear industry. This has led to NNL being ideally placed to pioneer the next generation of tools and processes to support RAI. NNL considers that this opportunity may be suitable for economic operators that are Small or Medium Enterprises (SME’s). Note that the value provided in Section II.1.5) is only an estimate and no guarantee of value or volume of work through the DPS can be offered.
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