Date of dispatch of this notice: 22/07/2021
Expire date: 21/07/2022
External Reference: 18031bd6-5906-4f88-b7d5-1f323046ef2c
Date of dispatch of this notice: 22/07/2021
Expire date: 21/07/2022
External Reference: 18031bd6-5906-4f88-b7d5-1f323046ef2c
Official name: National Nuclear Laboratory
Address line 1: Chadwick House, Birchwood Park, Warrington
Town: Cheshire
Postal Code: WA3 6AE
Country: England
Contact person:
Title attributed to the contract: Cat 1 - Software and Licencing
1. Software & Licensing plus Associated Services RFT 12284 2. Hardware plus associated services RFT 12286 3. Project Delivery RFT 12289 Suppliers can apply for pre-qualification against one or more categories to gain access to award stage work packages. Please note that pre-qualification remains open and live for the duration of the DPS, therefore a pre-qualification response can be submitted at any time following this publication. NNL considers that this opportunity may be suitable for economic operators that are Small or Medium Enterprises (SME’s).
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User / Company